Our department was established in 1996. Computer Engineering exists at the intersection of technology and innovation.

A dynamic professional field, computer engineering offers varied career paths in both hardware engineering and software development—each which drive computing advances in industries ranging from aerospace to healthcare. The following guide provides a high-level overview of computer engineering, including a look at different career paths, related skills and technologies, earning potential and employment outlook.

The department dedicates itself to impart value added education in the real sense so as to develop the wholesome personality of an individual to meet the universal needs and contribute the best to the country.


To develop competent and skilled diploma holders in computer engineering to meet the needs of industrial and society.


  • To produce successful diploma holders in computer engineering through art of teaching and learning
  • To develop skilled computer engineering professionals through innovative and creative hands on experience.
  • To inculcate the habit of professionalism, ethics and innovation.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Diploma Graduates of Computer Engineering shall

  • Pursue higher education, project and development in computer engineering and entrepreneurship.
  • Develop professional development and lifelong learning throughout the career.
  • Develop a problem solving capabilities through computer techniques
  • Demonstrate effective team work skills in their profession.
  • Depict their practical skills in various development activities.

Program Outcomes (POs)

  • Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the engineering problems.
  • Problem analysis: Identify and analyse well-defined engineering problems using codified standard methods.
  • Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the design of systems components or processes to meet specified needs.
  • Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.
  • Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical practices.
  • Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a team member or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined engineering activities.
  • Life-long learning: Ability to analyse individual needs and engage in updating in the context of technological changes.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)

  • Students are able to apply domain knowledge expertise for enhancing project capability to transform innovative ideas.
  • Ability to understand analysis and develop a computer programs in the area related to algorithm multimedia, web designing and hardware surviving for efficient design of computer based system.
  • Prepare to work professionally in software industries, and for solving real world problems.


  • Our computer science graduates will apply their knowledge and skills to succeed in their and / or obtain an advances degree.
  • Our graduates will function ethically and responsibly, and will remain informed and involved as full participants in our profession and our society.
  • Our graduates will successfully function in multi-disciplinary teams.
  • Our graduates will apply basic principles and practices of computing grounded in mathematics and science to successfully complete software related projects to meet customer business objectives and / or productively engage in research.
  • Establish themselves as problem-solvers and innovators, having a solid foundation in electrical, computer and systems, or electric power engineering and the ability to apply this background to solve real-world problems.
  • Function effectively in a professional environment, having the necessary communication and leadership skills and the ability to view their own work in a broader context.
  • Continue to develop professionally through life-long learning.


PMC TECH is committed to ensure Quality professional to meet the emerging Industrial and social needs through

  • Innovative Teaching.
  • Institution – Industry Interaction.
  • Placing faith in Human values.
  • Meeting regulatory requirements.
  • Aiming Continual Improvement in all activities.
  • Our computer science students will apply their knowledge and skills to succeed in their career and obtain an advanced Diploma.
  • Our computer science students will apply basic principles and practices of computing grounded in mathematics and science to successfully complete software related projects to meet customer business objectives and or productively engage in research.
  • Establish themselves as problem-solvers and innovators having a solid foundation in electrical, Computer and systems, or electric power engineering and the ability to apply this background to solve real-world problems.


The department provides Lab resources for Education. In this department 72 Systems are available with licensed software and printers for all Practicals. High Speed Internet access is available for all staffs and students to update their knowledge.

Laboratory Facilities

The Department is well equipped Laboratories including for the Diploma students installed with a variety of software catering to the needs of the students and covering the curriculum specified in the Curriculum.

  • .Net programming
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • 3Relational Database Management Systems
  • Data Structures & Algorithm
  • Multimedia Systems
  • Computer Networks & Security

Name: Mr.P.R.Rajasekaran

Designation: HOD

Qualification: ME.(CSE)

Experience: 12 Years

Email: computer509.hod@gmail.com


Name: Mrs. M. Manimekalai

Designation: Lecturer (Member of IEI)

Qualification: ME.(Communication System)

Experience: 2 Years

Email : mm01854@gmail.com

Name: Mrs. R. Ramya Rajeswari

Designation: Lecturer

Qualification: B. Tech (IT)

Experience: 2 Years

Email : rajramya882@gmail.com

Name: Mrs. A. Kowsalya

Designation: Lecturer

Qualification: B.E

Experience: 2 Years

Email: Kowsianbu96@gmail.com

Name: Mrs. S. Deepa

Designation: Lecturer

Qualification: BE (CSE)

Experience: 2 years

Email : deepasvds@gmail.com

Name: Mrs. A. Abinaya
Designation: Lecturer
Qualification: B.E
Experience: 1 Year

Name: Mrs. Priyadharshini. E

Designation: Lecturer

Qualification: B.E

Experience: 2 Years

Email : priyadharshini1821@gmail.com

Name: Mrs. P. Thirumala
Designation: Lecturer
Qualification: M.A., B.Ed
Experience: 3 Years

Name: Mr. Kalaiselvan. G
Designation: Lecturer
Qualification: M.Phil. (Maths)
Experience: 07 Years

Name: Mrs. G. Yuvaneshwari

Designation: Lecturer

Qualification: M.Sc (Physics)

Experience: 04 Years

Email : rajayuvaneshwari@gmail.com

Name: Mrs. R. Dhanalakshmi

Designation: Lecturer

Qualification: M.Phil. (Chemistry)

Experience: 7 Years

Email : Srinidhanalakshmi@gmail.com

Name : Mr. P. Sasikumar

Designation: Lecturer

Qualification: M.E

Experience: 03 Year

Email : sasikumar.mechanical29@gmail.com

Name : Mrs. Rohini

Designation: Lecturer

Qualification: M.A.,B.Ed

Experience: 01 Year

Email : rohinisaravanakumar316@gmail.com

Name : Mrs. Anukiraga
Designation: Lecturer
Qualification: M.A., B.Ed
Experience: 06 Year


Our PMC TECH organized the 8th State Level Technical Symposium on 29th & 30th January 2016. Around 75 colleges and 250 participants have been participated in the symposium.

Guest Lecturer

Industrial Visit

In order to provide real time environmental exposure to our students, arrangement for Industrial visit is done . As an impact the students were made aware of the latest trends in the interdisciplinary areas of Computer Engineering.

Sl.No Name of the Company / Organization Date of Visit Year
01. Doordharsan,, Yercaud 18.08.15 III
02. Doordharsan, Dharmapuri. 14.08.15 II
03. ISRO, Bangalore 17.02.16 III
04. HAL, Bangalore 17.02.16 III

Academic Achievement

April 2018 Board Examinations


S.Lavanya                    700/700

P.K.Harini                    699/700

S.Hemalatha                 697/700


M.Gagana                     699/700

B.Charan                      687/700

R.Pushpa                       676/700

April 2019 Board Examinations

III year

M.Gagana                        699/700 

R.chaithanya                   696/700

P.Bhavadharani              689/700

 II year

P.Parcolkumari            692/700 

M.Muthulakshmi         681/700

Toffiq Ameen                  670/700

October 2018 Board Examinations


R.Chaithanya               691/700

M.Gagana                     689/700

P.Bhavadharani           682/700


P.ParcolKumari           699/700

M.Divya                         690/700

V.Roja                           687/700

April 2020 Board Examinations

 III Year

M.Divya                                685/700

B.Bhuvaneshwari bai      684/700

B.Ranganayaki                    682/700

II Year

K.Yuvasri                          696/700

M.Sudha                            692/700

V.Jeevitha Varthini      689/700


Memorandum of Understanding (MOU’s)

  1. SpidervellA Technologies, Bangalore.
  2. e-Careerpluz, Madurai
  3. Redbacks IT Solutions, Vellore.


Professional Body

Computer Society of India


The following companies are recruited our students

1. First Source, Chennai.
2. HCL Info System
3. HGS,Bangalore.
4. MicroLabs,Hosur
5. BK Systems, Chennai.


Computer Engineering News Letter [2023-24 Even Sem]

Computer Engineering News Letter [2023-24 Odd Sem]


Computer -Newsletter Dec 2019 – May 2020

Computer Engineering Magazine [2022-2023]